The 2024 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes (and Confucius Classrooms) in Central and Eastern Europe

On July 4-5, 2024, the annual Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes of Central and Eastern Europe was held in Budapest, Hungary. The conference was organized by the Chinese International Education Foundation and hosted by Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest. The purpose of this conference was to introduce the work of different institutes and to promote exchange between them.

The Conference was attended by representatives of the following Confucius Institutes: the hosts from Hungary - Eötvös Loránd University, as well as other Hungarian educational institutions - University of Szeged, University of Pécs Medical School and University of Miskolc; Albania – University of Tirana; Bosnia and Herzegovina – University of Sarajevo and University of Banja Luka; Greece - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Estonia – Tallinn University; Latvia - University of Latvia; Moldova - Free International University; Poland - Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznań; Romania – University of Bucharest; North Macedonia - Skopje University; Slovakia - Matej Bel University; Serbia –University of Niš; Croatia – University of Zagreb; Montenegro - University of Montenegro; Czech Republic - Confucius Institute Olomouc.

The participants from China were representatives of Beijing Foreign Studies University, China University of Political Science and Law, and China Northeast Normal University. All of them are connected in one way or another with the Confucius Institutes in various countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

Bulgaria was represented by the Confucius Institute at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and the Confucius Institute at the University of Veliko Tarnovo "St. Cyril and Methodius".

The conference started with opening remarks by:

  • Prof. Dr. Hamar Imre, Vice Rector of Eötvös Loránd University - Budapest;
  • Zhao Gang – Vice Rector of Beijing Foreign Studies University;
  • Han Dongsheng – Educational counsellor at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Hungary;
  • Zhang Junli – Deputy Secretary General of the China International Education Foundation.

The topic of the conference was: "Joint Progress, Cooperation for Mutual Benefit". After a group photo of the participants in the conference, the plenary sessions of the conference took place, which were four in total, on various topics, namely:

  1. Revealing unique advantages and carrying out innovative development of Confucius Institutes;
  2. Regional cooperation, as well as building and sharing a sustainable ecosystem for Confucius Institutes;
  3. Regional educational policies for Chinese language teaching. The need for Chinese language knowledge and the role of Confucius Institutes;
  4. A review of past experience and a look into the future - celebrating the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Confucius Institutes.

Prof. Nako Stefanov, representative from the Confucius Institute in Sofia, presented a report during the plenary session on the fourth topic. It was noted that the Confucius Institute in Sofia has been recognized as a Model Confucius Institute by the Chinese International Education Foundation. This recognition was once again confirmed by the significant fruitful activities of the institute in recent years. This was also evident when comparing the work carried out by other Confucius Institutes from Central and Eastern Europe.

The conference ended with a free discussion where a range of issues and opinions were shared and was followed by a formal dinner hosted by the China International Education Foundation at the “Nine Dragons” Chinese Restaurant.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the conference turned out to be extremely useful, as it gave an opportunity for professionals to exchange their experience, but also to launch new initiatives and innovative ideas in relation to the goals and tasks of the Confucius Institutes - the teaching of Chinese language and promoting the endless treasury of Chinese culture.


Text: Confucius Institute in Sofia

English translation: Dima Pironkova

Editors: Chen Ying, Aksinia Koleva