Winners of the Chinese Song Contest „Rose Melodies“

Dear participants in the Chinese song contest „Rose Melodies“,
The Confucius Institute-Sofia is pleased to announce the results of the Chinese song contest and the winners in the two categories. Our jury, consisting of four prominent professionals in the field of music and Chinese studies, have made the following choice:
Individual performances:
The first prize is awarded to Reneta Koleva from Popovo for the song 《意难平》
The second prize is awarded to Maria Pavlova from Sofia for the song 《再見我的愛人》
The third prize is awarded to Anelia Neycheva from Stara Zagora for the song „Pop Stars“
Group performances:
The first prize is awarded to the group Tian Fen from Sofia for the song 《蜀道难》
The second prize is awarded to Boyan and Ruslan Elizarievi from Sofia for the song 《油菜花》
The third prize is awarded to a group of students from 138 Middle School „Prof. Vasil Zlatarski“ – Sofia for the song 《友谊地久天长》
We extend our gratitude to all participants in the contest and congratulations to the winners!
All performances for the song contest „Rose melodies“ can be seen on our Youtube channel: