The Rose Melodies Chinese Song Competition and the UN International Chinese Language Day Have Been Both Celebrated at the Confucius Institute in Sofia

On 18th May 2024, the Confucius Institute in Sofia have hosted the 5th Chinese Song Competition and the 15th UN International Chinese Language Day celebrations. Even more distinctive for 2024 is that the current year has coincided with the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Bulgaria. That is why the anniversary event has been strongly supported by the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria. The guest of honour at the event have been numerous - the cultural counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria Mr. Guan Xin, the head of the Educational Department at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria Mr Yang Tian, the president of the Association of Bulgarian Journalists Mrs Snezhana Todorova, the researcher at the Centre for Oriental Languages and Cultures of the Sofia University and Honorary Director of the Confucius Institute in Sofia Prof. Nako Stefanov, the director of the Chinese Cultural Centre in Sofia Mr.Hong Hai, Mr. Wang Pujian - the President of the Bulgarian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Prof. Dong Yuanxing - the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Veliko Tarnovo, Mrs. Aksiniya Koleva - the Bulgarian Director of the Confucius Institute in Sofia, Prof.Chen Ying - the Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute in Sofia, teachers, students and their parents from the schools, which are associated to the CIS, members of the general public, etc. The audience attending the celebration amounted up to 200 people.
In his speech, Mr. Guan Xin has emphasized on the excellent songs which involve a mixture of thought and culture, music and art, and on the fact that the current event that is having the music as a bridge, has embodied the deep fusion of emotions and the rich culture of the Chinese and the Bulgarian people. Mrs Aksinia Koleva and Prof.Chen Ying have pointed out that the event has served as a recognition of the importance of the Chinese language and culture, as a vivid demonstration of the atmosphere of the Chinese language learning among the young people in Bulgaria, and as a proof of the many achievements of the Chinese language teaching at the Confucius Institute in Sofia.

During the competition, the contestants have performed different styles of Chinese songs and have incorporated their own interpretations of the musical compositions. Song Xinya (Leda Kyulhanova), a sixteen-year-old student from the Confucius Classroom at the 138th Secondary School in Sofia, has won the first prize with her song A special place in my heart. Shan You (Stefani Todorova) from the Confucius Classroom at Maxim Gorky Secondary School in Stara Zagora and Ai Li (Aleksandra Petkova) from the “Evlogi i Hristo Georgievi” Private Secondary School in Sofia have won the second prize. The third prizes have been awarded to Yu Hongbi (Eleonora Obretenova) from the Confucius Classroom at the 138th Secondary School in Sofia, to Miss Raya Koeva from the Confucius Classroom at the Southwest University, and to Miss Dessislava Karagyozova from the University of Sofia. The competition has been followed by the celebration of the UN International Chinese Language Day celebrations. The Confucius Institute in Sofia in partnership with the Bulgarian Association of the Chinese Students and Scholars, and the Starry Night Private Language School in Sofia have prepared a diverse cultural programme including Chinese songs, traditional dances, and performances on ocarina, bamboo flute, guqin, pipa and other musical instruments, all of which were performed with great enthusiasm.
The Rose Melodies Chinese Song Contest is a cultural brand programme of the Confucius Institute in Sofia. It has been held for five consecutive years, and its aim is to build a bridge of friendship between China and Bulgaria through the medium of songs. Taking the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Bulgaria as an opportunity, the competition has strived to stimulate the interest of the learners, to demonstrate their learning achievements and to further enhance the influence of the Confucius Institute through singing Chinese songs. Reports for the event have been published on the official English-language websites of Xinhua New Agency, and Athens News.

Confucius Institute in Sofia
Text: Chen Chen
Photos: Biliana Issaeva, Wang Xiaotian
Editors: Chen Ying, Aksinia Koleva
English translation: Maya Kostadinova


tu pian1 zhong guo zhu bao jia li ya da shi guan wen hua can zan guan xin zhi ciPicture 1. The speech of Mr. Guan Xin – the cultural councellor at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria.

tu pian2 suo fei ya kong zi xue yuan bao fang yuan zhang a ke xi ni yake lie wa zhong fang yuan zhang chen ying zhi ciPicture 2. The speech of Mrs. Aksinia Koleva and Prof. Chen Ying – both directors of the Confucius Institute in Sofia.

tu pian3 yi deng jiang huo de zhe song xin yaPicture 3. The first prize winner Song Xinya (Leda Kyulhanova)

tu pian4 er deng jiang huo de zhe ai liPicture 4. The second prize winner Ai Li (Alexandra Petkova)

tu pian5 er deng jiang huo de zhe shan you zuo1Picture 5. Shan You (Stefani Todorova) (the first from the left) -the second prize winner.

tu pian6 gu qin yan zouPicture 6. Guqin performance.

tu pian7 xian chang he yingPicture 7. A group photo ot the stage.

tu pian8 mei ti bao dao jie tuPicture 8. A screenshot of media reports for the event.