The Confucius Classroom at the University of Russe under the Confucius Institute in Sofia Has Responded To an Invitation To Participate In the International Tourism Exhibition Weekend Tourism in Russe

On 16th May, 2024, the Confucius Classroom of the University of Ruse under the Confucius Institute in Sofia was been invited to participate in the 19th International Tourism Exhibition Weekend Tourism and the 16th Tourism and Entertainment Animation Festival organised by the Municipality of Russe. Mrs Zlatomira Stefanova - Deputy mayor of Russe and Acad. Hristo Beloev - Chairman of the City Council in Russe and an Honorary Rector of the University of Russe, have attended the event.
In their capacity of special guests at the opening ceremony, teachers and students from the Confucius Classroom at the University of Rousse, performed the Fan dance and the Dunhuang dance. During the exhibition activities, the Confucius Classroom has prepared Chinese culture exhibition booths where they have displayed Chinese calligraphy, the Chinese art of paper-cutting as well as the art and culture of very special Chinese handicrafts such as kites and hairpins. Students dressed in Chinese traditional costumes interacted with the audience thus advertising Chinese language courses. Moreover, cultural demonstrations included activities such as Chinese names writing, teaching Chinese greetings and hairpin hair styles for the Chinese language and culture enthusiasts in a friendly and warm atmosphere.
The Confucius Classroom at the University of Rousse has been officially established in 2016. Over the past few years, it has offered various Chinese language and culture courses in all language levels. The students and teachers from the Confucius Classroom have eagerly participated in the activities of the University of Rousse and the local municipal government, aiming to serve the local community and to be integrated into the local community. Their activities have been welcomed by local teachers, students and the general public in Russe.

Confucius Institute in Sofia
Text: Liu Xiaolin
Photos: Liu Xiaolin
Editors: Chen Ying, Aksinia Koleva, Chen Chen
English translation: Maya Kostadinova



tu pian1 shan zi wuPicture 1. Fan Dance

tu pian2 dun huang wuPicture 2. Dunhuang Dance

tu pian3 shu fa zhan shiPicture 3. Calligraphy Display

tu pian4 xue sheng jie shao zhong guo wen hua zhan taiPicture 4. Students introducing Chinese culture - exhibition booth

tu pian5 kong zi ke tang shi sheng yu lu sai shi yi hui zhu xi jian lu sai da xue ming yu xiao zhang he li si tuobei luo ai fu he yingPicture 5. A group photo of the Confucius Classroom students and teachers together with Acad. Hristo Beloev - Chairman of the City Council in Russe and an Honorary Rector of the University of Russe.