A Delegation From the Centre For Language And Education Cooperation Have Visited the Confucius Institute In Sofia

From June 18th to June 19th 2024, Mr Hu Zhiping - the deputy-director of the Centre for Language And Education Cooperation (CLEC), has been leading a delegation to visit the Confucius Institute in Sofia (CIS) and their partner universities - the University of Sofia and the University of Plovdiv. The delegation has comprised of Mrs He Wei – the director of the Standards And Examination Evaluation Division, Mrs. Yu Xingbo - the director of the Financial Division, Mr. Mao Yancheng - the deputy-director of the Development Planning Division, and Mrs An Shi - the project manager of the Europe Division of the Centre for Language And Education Cooperation (CLEC).
On June 18th, the delegation from the Centre for Language And Education Cooperation have visited the Confucius Institute in Sofia, where they have been shown the on-site teaching and cultural activities facilities: the library containing more than 27.000 books, the multifunctional hall for academic and cultural exchanges with a capacity of 200 people, the language lab, and the exhibition hall with Bulgarian primary and secondary school children's paintings on display. At the meeting, the delegation have exchanged opinions with the Chinese and the Bulgarian directors of the Confucius Institute in Sofia. Mrs Aksiniya Koleva – the Bulgarian director of CIS, and Prof. Chen Ying - the Chinese director of CIS, have outlined the development history of the Confucius Institute in Sofia, and have briefly explained the current operative situation and their plans for the future development of the CIS. The Chinese teachers have explained their work situations and their achievements. Mr Hu has fully affirmed the achievements of the Confucius Institute in Sofia, and has thanked all the teachers for their hard work. Moreover, he has confirmed that the Centre For Language And Education will continue to support the cause of the Chinese language education in Bulgaria.
Later in the day, the delegation have visited the University of Sofia. Mrs Reneta Bozhankova – the vice-Rector of the University of Sofia has received the delegation. She has made a presentation on the development of the linguistic majors at the University of Sofia and has given recognition of the Confucius Institute in Sofia for their contribution to the Chinese language teaching in Bulgaria. Mrs Bozhankova has expressed her gratitude to the Centre for Language And Education Cooperation for its support for the teaching of foreign languages and the cause of the Chinese Studies major at the University of Sofia, including sending Chinese language teachers, supporting the training of the local Chinese language teachers, and providing opportunities for students to study in China. Mr Hu Zhiping has introduced the current development of the international Chinese language education and the Chinese language examinations and has suggested that both sides continue to deepen their cooperation in the field of the Chinese language education.
On 19th June, the delegation have visited the University of Plovdiv and have met the vice-Rectors there - Mr Boryan Yanev, Mr Stanimir Kabaivanov, and Mr Plamen Stoyanov. Students from the University of Plovdiv have welcomed the delegation by singing the Chinese song “My motherland and me” and the Bulgarian song “My country, my Bulgaria”. Mr Boryan Yanev has introduced the current development of the University of Plovdiv and the education of students with a gift for acquiring foreign languages. Both sides have reached an agreement that the work of the Confucius Classroom at the University of Plovdiv has been an outstanding one. Mr Yanev has added that he hoped that both parties will continue to maintain their long-term friendly cooperation so that they could serve better the cause of the Chinese education in Bulgaria. Mr Konstantin Kutsarov - the Dean of the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of Plovdiv, and Mr Dimitar Karamitev - the Director of the International Cooperation Department, have attended the meeting as well.
The Confucius Institute in Sofia is one of the first model Confucius Institutes in the world. Its family consists of eight subordinate Confucius Classrooms and more than 30.000 registered students. CIS has become an important platform for Chinese language education in Bulgaria and for humanistic exchanges between China and Bulgaria. This year is the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Confucius Institute in Seoul, South Korea. On this occasion, the Confucius Institute in Sofia will host a series of celebratory activities.

The Confucius Institute in Sofia
Text: Chen Chen
Photos: Biliana Isaeva, Wang Ying
Editors: Prof. Chen Ying, Aksiniya Koleva
English translation: Maya Kostadinova


tu pian1 dai biao tuan can guan suo fei ya kong zi xue yuan tu shu guanPicture 1. The delegation visiting the library of the Confucius Institute in Sofia.

tu pian2 dai biao tuan can guan suo fei ya kong zi xue yuan hui hua zuo pin zhan lan tingPicture 2. The delegation visiting the exhibition hall of paintings at the Confucius Institute in Sofia.

tu pian3 dai biao tuan yu suo fei ya kong zi xue yuan jiao zhi gong zuo tanPicture 3. The meeting between the delegation and the teaching staff of the Confucius Institute in Sofia.

tu pian4 dai biao tuan yu suo fei ya da xue xiao ling dao hui tanPicture 4. The delegation meeting the leaders of the University of Sofia.

tu pian5 dai biao tuan fang wen pu luo fu di fu da xuePicture 5. The delegation on a visit at the University of Plovdiv.