Open Lectures „The Development of Modern China“

Introduction to „China Day”
“China Day” is an annual and informal academic event, which was initiated in 2012 by Renmin University and Sichuan University and is held around Chinese National Day on October 1st since then in the European universities of EU Member States and also no-member cities, and it is open to the local public as well. The “China Day” now involved Renmin University of China, Sichuan University, Fudan University and also Shanghai International University, organizing and carrying on mainly by the centre for European Studies at each university.
Usually, the event is of two to three days’ duration. Under the thematic framework of “Contemporary China and Its Development”, a series of academic seminars and activities with a special feature are organized each year in the internationally well-known and influential European universities.
“China Day” is also dedicated to enhance intercultural communications between China and Europe. By introducing China’s progress, achievement, and development in its process of modernization, the event aims to promote a positive image of China among the Europeans. After several years’ efforts, we have considerably increased the visibility of „China Day“ event, which in turn makes contribution to publicizing contemporary Chinese social development and shaping a positive Chinese image. It is now regarded as an important platform to promote mutual communication and understanding between Europe and China. Hence, the potential of the event cannot be underestimated, given that it may exert considerable influence on future cooperation between the two sides.
Since 2012, „China Day“ has been held in over 20 European cities, including Brussels, Gent, Leuven, Brugge, Leiden, The Hague, Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Stockholm, Budapest, Geneva, Paris, Florence, Rome, Amsterdam, Bonn, Bologna, Reykjavik, Helsinki, Warsaw, Prague, etc.
1. 杨慧林 YANG Huilin
杨慧林,文学硕士、哲学博士,中国人民大学教授,曾任中国人民大学副校长(2008-2014)、中国比较文学学会会长(2010-2014)等,现任中国人民大学学术委员会副主任、中国宗教学会副会长、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员。主要从事宗教学和比较文学研究,著有《基督教的底色与文化延伸》(2001)、《神学诠释学》(2002)、《西方文论概要》(2003)、《西方文论概览》(2013)、《在文学与神学的边界》(2012)、《意义》(2013)等。在美国出版英文论文集Christianity in China: the Work of Yang Huilin(2004),China, Christianity and Questions of Culture(2014),后者在美国获得《今日基督教》评选的2015年优秀著作奖。
Yang Huilin earned his M. A. in Literature and Ph. D. in Philosophy from Renmin University of China (RUC). He was previously Vice-President of Renmin University of China (2008-2014) and the President of China Comparative Literature Association (2011-2014). Currently he serves as the Vice-Chair of the University Academic Committee, Vice-President of China Religious Society, as well as member of the Academic Degree Commission of Sate Council. As a scholar of religious studies and comparative literature, his publications in Chinese include Christian Background and Its Cultural Extension (2001), Theological Hermeneutics (2002), Brief History of Western Literary Criticism (2003), The Guide to Western Literary Criticism (2013), At the Boundary of Literature and Theology (2012), Searching for the Meaning (2013), etc. The collections of his papers in English include Christianity in China: the Work of Yang Huilin (M.E. Sharpe Ltd. 2004) and China, Christianity and Questions of Culture (Baylor University Press, 2014), which was awarded the Christianity Today’s 2015 Book Awards in the United States.
2. 时殷弘 SHI Yinhong
Dr. Shi Yinhong, born on March 3, 1951,isProfessor of International Relations, Chairman of Academic Committee of the School of International Studies, and Director of the Center on American Studies at Renmin University of China in Beijing (2001-). He has served as a Counsellor of the State Council of People’s Republic of China since February 2011. He previously was Professor of International History at Nanjing University, 1993-1998, and Professor of International Relations at International Relations Academy, Nanjing, 1998-2001. He also served as President of American Historical Research Association of China from 1996 to 2002. He received a Ph.D. in International History from Nanjing University in 1988. He taught graduate courses as Visiting Professor of Public Policy three times at University of Michigan at Ann Arbor (2004, 2005, and 2008), and as Visiting Professor of Modern China Studies at Aichi University in Nagoya (2004).
Dr. Shi Yinhong has published seventeen books, most of them in China, including Foreign Policy and Historical Lessons (2014); The Pathology, Resurgence, Decline, and Demise of An Empire: A Systematic Analysis of Ba Gu’s Book of Han Dynasty (1st century A.D.) (2014); China‘s Political Experience: A Politico-Strategic Reading of Sima Qian’s Historical Record (2 century B.C.) (2012); Global Challenges and China (2010); Thirty Studies on Strategy: Reflections of China’s External Strategy (2008); History of Modern International Relations: From the 16th Century to the end of the 20th (2006); International Politics and Statecraft (2006); From Napoleon to the Vietnam War: Lectures on Modern Strategy (2003). He also has published more than 580 professional articles and essays, as well as seventeen translated books mainly on strategic history and international politics.
3.闫瑾 YAN Jin
Dr. Yan Jin, is Executive Director of Centre for European Studies of Renmin University of China, Executive Director of Centre for China-EU People-to-people Exchange Studies, and Associate Professor of the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China. She is member of the Association for German Studies of Chinese Association for European Studies. Her research interests include German politics and diplomacy, European integration theory and practice, and international relations between China and the Asia-Pacific region. Courses taught include contemporary world economics and politics, Germany and the European Union on the international stage. She has undertaken a number of major projects of the Ministry of Education’s key research bases, national and regional research projects of the Ministry of Education, and research projects on People-to-people Exchange studies.