Confucius Institute in Sofia Held "Chinese Culture and Technology Days"

On November 5-6, the Confucius Institute in Sofia cooperated with a number of Chinese companies in Bulgaria, including Dongfeng Motors, Great Wall Motors, Huawei, and Moutai, to organise a cultural event themed "Chinese Culture and Technology Days". The event was part of the Global Confucius Institute Day activities. Its aim was to better serve the local people, help China-Bulgaria friendship, and further enhance the social image of the Confucius Institute in Bulgaria. The ways to achieve this goal were to give visitors the opportunity to experience Chinese language and culture, visit the Institute and its teaching facilities, and understand the mission, goals, development history, academic atmosphere and major achievements of the Confucius Institute. Another way was to attend the presentations about Dongfeng Motors and Great Wall Motors and experience test drives with Haval vehicles and Dongfeng Electric vehicles.
Mrs. Dai Ying, representative from the culture and technology department at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, delivered a speech. She spoke highly of the positive impact of the event, and praised the Confucius Institute in Sofia for its active contribution to uniting Chinese enterprises, keeping up the momentum, promoting Chinese culture, and serving local people. Mrs. Aksinia Koleva, Bulgarian Director of the Confucius Institute, also delivered a speech and presented a press release on the development and achievements of the Confucius Institute. The event was planned, organized and coordinated by the Chinese director, Prof. Liu Xiuming, with the active participation of the secretaries and the Chinese teachers at the Confucius Institute.
During the event, the Chinese teachers presented traditional cultural activities such as a musical performance with the classical musical instrument “xun”, Chinese classical dance, tea ceremony, calligraphy, etc. The event started at 11:00 and ended at 17:30 with more than 2,800 people visiting the Confucius Institute on both days.
The event was the first large-scale cultural promotion project hosted by the Confucius Institute in Sofia since the Covid pandemic. It was reported by the media such as Xinhua News Agency, Economic Daily, Jiangxi TV, YouTube and local radio stations, and received positive social response.

Contributed by: Confucius Institute in Sofia
Text: Yang Mengfan
Photos: Liu Xiuming, Luo Huili, Li Mengxia, Petya Shukerska, Economic Daily - Cai Chun, etc.
Editors: Liu Xiuming, Liu Tianchao

 Snimka 1 Reklamen plakat na sbitieto
Photo 1 The promotional poster of the event

Snimka 2 Izkazvane na g za Daj In predstavitel po kulturata i tehnologiite na posolstvoto na Kitaj v Blgaria
Photo 2 Mrs. Dai Ying, representative from the culture and technology department at the Chinese Embassy in Bulgaria, is delivering a speech

Snimka 3 G za Aksina Koleva direktor ot blgarska strana na IKS proiznasa rec
Photo 3 Mrs. Aksinya Koleva, Bulgarian Director of the Confucius Institute, is delivering a speech

Snimka 4 Profesor Liu Siumin direktor ot kitajska strana na IKS razkazva kitajskata istoria na snimkata
Photo 4 Prof. Liu Xiuming, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute, is explaining the pictures from the exhibition on China

Snimka 5 Li Cnsi prepodavatel v IKS izplnava tradicionen kitajski tanc
Photo 5 Li Chenxi, a teacher at the Confucius Institute, is performing a traditional Chinese dance

Snimka 6 Pan Sisi prepodavatel ot IKS izplnava muzika na  tradicionen kitajski instrument sun
Photo 6 Confucius Institute teacher Pan Xixi is playing the traditional Chinese musical instrument “xun”

Snimka 7 Luo Hujli mesten prepodavatel na sat v IKS predstava kitajsko caeno izkustvo
Photo 7 Luo Huili, a full-time local teacher at the Confucius Institute, is performing Chinese tea ceremony

Snimka 8 Valeri Ivanov blgarski ucitel po Tajdzicuen pravi demonstracia
Photo 8 Bulgarian Taichi teacher Valeri Ivanov is performing Taichi

Snimka 9 Silvi Velev blgarski hudoznik demonstrira umenia po kaligrafia i risuvane s tus
Photo 9 Bulgarian painter Silvi Velev is demonstrating Chinese calligraphy and ink painting skills